To go here:

And then on Monday goes back here:

Now, the idea of what an American is defined as can be a controversial issue. Some view the American as I do, a man working hard to get to the top in order to fill his life with expensive things and make a good reputation for himself. Now, I am not saying these pictures describe every hard-working American. It seems like the average American is hard-working, but there are not always those who are striving to reach the top and buy their dream car, all they wish to do is provide food and shelter for their families. There are also hard-working women who can be described as 21st century Americans (but in this case we used a man). Overall, an American is someone with their own personality and opinions and has strong goals for their lives no matter how small that goal might be. Americans want to be successful, but success is different through each individual's eyes, therefore all perspectives of an Americans are different.